PrintFactory releases new Industry Report


A new industry report ‘Redefining wide-format workflows to realize revenue at every opportunity’ explores what is holding large format print back from fully capitalising on cloud-based technologies.

Organisations from multiple sectors are leaping to harness the potential of new technology to streamline production, minimise time wastage and save money. Yet, according to recent research from Infotrends, only 8% of North America’s commercial print sector are benefitting from the proven efficiencies automation can bring.

The in-depth paper from PrintFactory sets out the scale of the opportunity, the shifting trends beginning to disrupt the status quo, and the technology that’s making it possible.

“The pace of change has been incredible,” says PrintFactory CEO Erik Strik.

“Following the global push towards automation, cloud-based colour management technology is now a real possibility for LFP businesses everywhere. With this paper, we want to debunk the many misconceptions around cloud-based solutions, while providing a frank assessment of challenges like security and disruption, and how to overcome these barriers to adoption.”

With a focus on the missed revenue opportunities for print shops continuing to rely on traditional workflows, the report covers:

  • How early adopters are enjoying up to 100% productivity gains with minimal investment in resources, highlighting the potential for software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms to boost financial flexibility and cut capex to ease the pressure in a world of notoriously low margins
  • The raft of features, including web-to-workflow solutions, real-time reporting on ink and media usage, and a detailed look at dynamic nesting—that can enable jobs to be delivered to the relevant RIP/printers automatically
  • The ability for data driven solutions to offer the tantalising prospect of fully automated colour management and a 24/7 lights-out operation—coordinating multiple printers over different locations and helping to make costly idle time a thing of the past

Get the report here.

Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

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