Media releases

Latest news from PrintFactory


(STAND B5-G31)


PrintFactory will be sharing the trade secrets to achieving greater levels of automation with visitors to their stand at this year’s FESPA Global Print Expo.

The software team (ex-wide format printers themselves), say the process involves taking three successive steps on the Automation Journey. The explosion of possibilities begins by achieving perfect colour. Then, reducing the need for manual repetitive tasks, the journey moves on to harness smart technology that can deliver increases in all-round productivity, 24/7, worldwide if necessary. Industry 4.0-level integration and interoperability is the end-goal. However, in PrintFactory’s experience, even one small step up for wide format printers can deliver productivity increases of 25% or more.

From their stand – G31 in Hall B5 – PrintFactory will be running their ‘What’s Your Number?’ quiz, inviting delegates to explore those three stages of digital automation:

· Level 1, improvements in colour management

· Level 2, the automation of repetitive tasks, and

· Level 3, the move to lights-out production.

Toby Burnett, Director of Sales EMEA commented: “When wide format printers hear the word ‘automation’, what often comes to mind is a facility with fewer and fewer people working on the production floor – but that’s not the case.

“Automation is about using technology to help people do more, at a higher quality, and lower cost. There are several steps along the way. We’ll be reporting back, after the show, on people’s perceptions of where they are in the automation journey – which will help us to help them even more.

“For most small businesses, for example, there are massive gains to be made just by ironing out the day-to-day inefficiencies in a workflow – colour management issues, centralising the RIP, and cutting wastage. So much of a business’s profits goes straight into a bin, due to colour management being hard to master and media being wasted unnecessarily.”

Using their experience as wide format printers, the PrintFactory team have developed a suite of workflow tools that deliver simple fixes and processes to overcome these problems.

Burnett said: “Automation isn’t just for enterprise-sized printing. You might have three standalone printers or you might be running a network of 33 print devices – but there’ll be unnecessary bottlenecks in every part of the process. Our customers have reported productivity gains of up to 25% by using PrintFactory software, streamlining their operations and getting to just the first stage of automation alone.

“Of course, we’re looking forward to sharing some behind-the-scenes technical details with like-minded visitors to FESPA – but we’ll be asking for people’s views on where they think they are in the automation journey, too. ”

Visit PrintFactory on stand B5-G31 at FESPA Global Print Expo in Munich between 14th - 17th May. Discover how even the first step on the automation journey can help wide format printers to achieve better printing, bigger profits.


PrintFactory launches Linux compatibility for workflow software

PrintFactory has launched Linux compatibility for its workflow software suite, becoming the first software provider to offer a fully-supported workflow solution across the three main operating systems - Windows, MacOS and Linux.

The launch of PrintFactory on Linux offers wide-format printers maximum flexibility in the way they work. For example, if prepress operators are using MacOS or Windows workstations, PrintFactory now enables jobs to be simultaneously processed on a Linux server.

Offering advanced processing power, PrintFactory’s Linux compatibility offers an ideal solution for large format printers looking to cluster applications and RIP files on an industrial scale. The open source platform also supports the direct integration of PrintFactory’s RIP application with large format print devices.

Erik Strik, CEO at PrintFactory, commented: “As a team of former wide-format printers, we understand that every print shop works differently. That’s why we’re excited to release PrintFactory on the Linux platform.

“Whether you’re a Linux enthusiast or prefer to work from Mac or Windows, PrintFactory gives large format printers the choice to mix and match operating systems in a way that works for them. For more industrial applications, Linux is ideally suited to work as a RIP server for true clustering capability.

“The launch is the latest development in our strategy to open up opportunities across the wider dealer network. We’re looking forward to meeting wide-format printers and dealers at FESPA Global Print Expo to share how a fully-compatible workflow solution can support better printing and bigger profits.”

PrintFactory provides all the job preparation and colour correction tools required to optimise wide-format print production. The software’s easy-to-use cloud-based workflow connects multiple devices to enable dynamic production scheduling, status reporting and resource management from any connected computer.

Visit PrintFactory on stand B5-G31 at FESPA Global Print Expo in Munich between 14th - 17th May to discover how PrintFactory can support wide-format printers on their journey to maximum productivity and minimum wastage.



PrintFactory is expanding its global reach with the redeployment of senior staff to support the fast-growing technology firm’s focus on Europe and the U.S.

Former Head of Sales EMEA, Simon Landau, is taking a lead in The Americas, while Toby Burnett is joining the business to continue Simon’s efforts in securing a wider network of trusted R&D and distributor functions across EMEA.

Toby, the once Managing Director of GMG UK’s division, has already secured new partners in Spain (Digi HiRes) and France (C-Link) and is seeking to establish a similarly strong presence in Germany, Switzerland and The Nordics. Meanwhile, as PrintFactory’s now Director of Sales Americas, Simon is in-situ in The States to provide additional support to the existing marketplace - championing the advanced capabilities of its superior color engine and automation product.

“PrintFactory is a forward-thinking brand with big ambition,” says the newly appointed Director of Sales EMEA, Toby Burnett. “It’s exciting to be part of a something that could positively disrupt the sector by making even the most advanced technologies accessible - from SMEs right through to industrial set-ups. In the 25 years I’ve been working in color management, the PrintFactory model could be the most transformative yet.”

Simon Landau is also leveraging the technology’s unique selling points to secure a stronger foothold on an already lucrative market. Setting out to showcase the breadth and depth of the PrintFactory suite, Simon will highlight the unprecedented capabilities that come with its newly restructured ‘Production’ and ‘Automation’ plans. While its Production offer grants users access to an advanced color management system that links-up devices to create a custom common appearance for absolute output accuracy; the top tier ‘Automation’ package makes it possible to manage jobs right to the last second. Both features save time and money in wasted ink and media and avoidable bottlenecks.

“Coming on the back of PrintFactory Cloud winning software Product of the Year at the SGIA Awards, we know the U.S. market is ripe for innovation,” says Landau. “I’m looking forward to complementing the efforts of our existing distributor channels to bolster the brand and build awareness of how PrintFactory differs from conventional RIP and workflow technologies to deliver more with less.”

PrintFactory Cloud is a revolutionary concept that presents a much-simplified workflow - equipping forward-thinking LFP operations for the transition to lights out automation. Besides advanced color management and dynamic job nesting, features include a browser-based dashboard for real-time reporting, quality control ‘track and trace’ tools and the ability to seamlessly connect to third party MIS and ERP systems.

Simon Landau has been a senior member of the PrintFactory team since 2016. Starting out as an inkjet RIP color specialist he eventually became involved in high-end color management. Now, following 30 years in relevant industries and dealing first-hand with the frustrations of commercial printers stuck in a traditional workflow rut, he is translating this experience to demonstrate how PrintFactory can be pivotal in redefining wide-format print production for the American marketplace.

PrintFactory CEO, Erik Strik, says: “We have a clear vision and I’m confident in Simon’s and Toby’s abilities in driving forward our sales and marketing functions in these key territories. They both have extensive experience in the sector but, more than that, they have the entrepreneurial spirit we need to drive a different way of doing things - a smarter way of working that, we hope, will help the world’s digital print shops eliminate the painstaking and costly complexities that, for too long, have been a part of the wide-format print process.”

For further information visit


Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

For further press information visit

Media contacts:

+ 44 7943 573247

+ 44 7495 962647


New research[1] from digital print software provider, PrintFactory, reveals that a widespread reliance on default solutions could be costing large-format operations thousands in, avoidable, wasted time, ink and media.

60% of print shops are relying on the RIP software that comes with their printer and almost two-thirds (63%) are running multiple platforms across their network. Furthermore, while the majority work from PC machines (60%), a significant proportion (37%) are operating both Mac and PCs. All this inherent inconsistency across traditional set-ups could be compounding quality control problems on the shop floor - not least when it comes to dealing with the complexities of color management. An issue that 21% say is their biggest workflow bottleneck.

Erik Strik, CEO of PrintFactory, says: “When considering these findings, it’s no wonder the wide-format printing industry is struggling with inefficiencies.

“The research gives a strong indication that very few operators are actually using the RIP software of their choice - or even a single platform – meaning consistency is near impossible to ensure.

“There are many ways printing businesses can overcome a large number of the challenges they are facing, but it will require a break from convention.”

In response to the research, PrintFactory has compiled a two-part color management guide that sets out the many parameters that may be contributing to some of the color management obstacles identified. These include achieving consistency across substrates (cited by 30% as their greatest challenge), accurate color reproduction (according to 29%) and ensuring different devices deliver the exact same output (a major problem for 22%).

When asked which top two solutions they would consider to help resolve workflow issues, 75% of the respondents stated new software as their first option. Though over half (51%) would consider investing in a new printer.

Erik adds: “The technology to eliminate such bottlenecks and deliver identical output across devices already exists, and - with new SaaS models that make even the most advanced systems entirely accessible - these can be extremely cost-effective. We wanted to run the survey to better understand why so many wide-format printers confide they’re continuing to waste costly resource on chasing color and, moreover, what’s stopping them from switching to a smarter way of working.”

Exposing the hidden obstacles to efficient color management, PrintFactory’s guide to ‘Breaking Color Convention for a More Productive Wide-format Workflow’ is freely available to download at

The in-depth industry report details the core features production managers should be seeking, as standard, in order to boost throughput, reduce waste and prepare print shops for the new age of automated print production. A step, Strik points out, can’t be confidently taken until operations get ‘back to basics’ by stripping out the layers of complexity that come with having multiple platforms, with different levels of capability: “As long as PSPs continue to rely on conventional color management systems, it remains difficult for these print businesses to reap the full benefits of automation. Without a solid foundation of consistent color across devices, any efficiencies created by an automated workflow are lost through time spent tweaking color issues on jobs.”

For further information and to get The Guide visit


Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

For further press information visit

Media contacts:

+ 44 7943 573247

+ 44 7495 962647

[1] The research was conducted by PrintFactory through online survey tool, Survey Monkey, and polled 86 members of the global print industry from March to October 2018


Wide-format print operations can now enjoy unrivalled brand and reputation protection thanks to a series of color management and quality assurance enhancements made to the PrintFactory software suite. The new features, which have been introduced in the PrintFactory Version 6 update, have been driven by customer demand and the company’s desire to be the industry frontrunner in delivering fully automated workflows.

“The latest updates have been implemented with two things in mind: consistency and quality,” says PrintFactory CEO, Erik Strik. “Beyond improving the user experience - as indeed any significant new software release should do - Version 6 brings a number of powerful new tools that deliver unrivalled results and peace of mind to print shops and their customers.”

As well as empowering print shops with the potential to leverage all the benefits that automation can bring, the latest software delivers more robust solutions to ongoing color management and quality assurance challenges.

Version 6 features an easy to use dashboard that puts the user in control of all aspects of the production process through a single web-based interface and provides data-driven insights that enable operators to identify and address inefficiencies. The dashboard can share quality control measurement reports against set tolerances with the print-buyer, and the solution provides track and trace IDs to show the real-time status of each job, printer and cutter.

The update also delivers multiple advances in color management tools, ensuring consistent, accurate and vivid color reproduction across substrates and devices. A new Resource Manager enables better management of color profiles through storage on a central database, enabling easier access to profiles and ensuring they cannot become corrupted. Several new features have also been applied to the PrintFactory Advanced Color Engine, such as a light adjustment tool for visual color adjustment, cleaner spot color functionality and a color correction plug-in that takes RGB to multi-channel creation.

Strik commented: “In looking at the transition to print industry 4.0, the importance of color management in delivering the efficiencies we have come to expect from automation is often forgotten. If a business cannot rely on its technology to produce consistent color across substrates and devices, the benefits of automation are lost in media wastage and the time it takes for operators required to check each individual job.”

“We believe the changes to the core functionality alone set the platform apart from a quality assurance perspective - add into the mix the automation dimension and we’re operating in a different league to conventional color management systems. The PrintFactory platform presents the opportunity to achieve more with less - giving print shops assurance that the job will be right first time, every time and completed as cost-effectively as possible. The point is, the platform can be as advanced as you need it to be and Version 6 is about as future-thinking as it gets,” concludes Strik.

PrintFactory Version 6 also includes a new RIP user interface, the implementation of QR codes to enable end-to-end customer tracking, more powerful 64-bit conversion, PSB import (up to 2GB) and support for Mac OSX10.13. For full release notes visit:


Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world's print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

Media contact:

Rebecca Spence – or +44 7943 573247


The creators and developers of the PrintFactory RIP Workflow solution software have launched a new suite of cloud-based automation tools.

With features such as ‘just in time’ job scheduling and the capability to drive an infinite number of machines, PrintFactory is spearheading progress for LFP operations by taking the the complexities out of colour management and making true lights out production a possibility.

“Today we’ve achieved what we always set out to do: to make the wide-format print process as simple as possible through the power of technology,” says PrintFactory CEO, Erik Strik.

“We believe ink and media wastage due to mechanical error should be no more. Getting the right result first time and every time should be the norm. That is why we have invested two decades of development in making our vision to revolutionise wide format print a reality.

“With a cloud-based solution that ensures complete consistency of output wherever, whenever and from whichever device you’re driving your jobs, we believe we have harnessed the potential to do just that.”

Cloud-based workflows can bring huge efficiencies to the super wide and large format print industries, and these new automation tools allow users to directly integrate their existing MIS/workflow systems into the PrintFactory platform for seamless production management.

The real benefit of the PrintFactory cloud is the powerful scalability and reliability enabling companies of any size to leverage features such as:

  • XML/JDF Job Submission – powerful integration with existing MIS/workflow solutions, providing end to end file processing/delivery, from MIS to Printer in one solution.
  • Dynamic Nesting – enabling companies to create dynamically scaling nesting workflows, providing true cloud based processing of jobs with local delivery to the RIP/Printers.
  • Ink/Media Reporting – real time reporting of ink and media usage, enabling companies to manage their consumables usage more accurately than ever before.


Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory’s holding company, Aurelon, has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

For further information visit

Media contacts:

+ 44 7943 573247


PrintFactory software - utilizing GMG’s complete package of productivity and color management tools - has supported leading visual merchandising company, The Bernard Group, during a period of unprecedented growth.

A ‘trusted partner’ to the visual merchandising expert, the software has allowed the company to increase its job volume by 250% - while only increasing prepress and production staff by 20%.

Alan Stratton, The Bernard Group’s color manager, said: “Retail brands are very demanding on both color and turnaround times and PrintFactory has allowed us to keep up with our growth. They not only have delivered a great product but have proven themselves a trusted partner in the process.”


Based just outside of Minneapolis, The Bernard Group is a visual merchandizing company serving the needs of some of the most prestigious retailers and franchises in the industry.

Prior to installing the PrintFactory platform, the company standardized on RIP systems from one vendor that each drove one of the printers on the floor, each with their own color management. It required three full-time color management experts to create up to date profiles. For each substrate and each device, profiles needed to be made from scratch and made again when colors drifted. The company had 21 digital presses on the floor and had to spend three hours per printer and substrate making profiles, amounting to a lot of lost man hours.

Ensuring consistency and accuracy was also an issue. The company wanted to match and maintain color better across its machines, ink sets, and media. It also wanted a way to verify color once the profile was made, and the tools to fine-tune it to make it more accurate and faster to correct.

The PrintFactory solution:

With these issues in mind, it was the complete package of productivity tools and color management that attracted The Bernard Group to PrintFactory.

"The software offered a fast and easy way to step and repeat graphics automatically. It can automate files for print and send digital cutting instructions to our die cutting machines. It also removes the waiting time for people trying to RIP files to the same devices simultaneously,” explained Stratton.

Furthermore, the initial training, set up and continuing support from PrintFactory’s U.S. distributor, GMG Americas, helped to overcome any staff resistance to the change. Highlighting the benefits of the new software, PrintFactory ran alongside the previous provider for six weeks. They found that only 0.8% of problems were from software issues, which were reported and fixed within a month.

Improved color accuracy and productivity:

Explaining the color and productivity benefits, Stratton said: “It is generally difficult to make color management work in a busy environment like wide format production but this software means we can now easily correct a color drift on the printers by a simple recalibration.

“With our previous RIP system we could never get printers to match this closely. We have reduced the time it takes to make all seven printers match perfectly from 63 to 18 hours, a reduction of more than 70%.

"The way the PrintFactory workflow works is also much faster and efficient. Before, about 10% of the files Bernard processes needed correction. On average, it would take up to four hours before print production could start, and the machine was usually idle for up to three hours. Those idle hours are very expensive. The new software has reduced the need for retouching a file by more than 90%, with less than 1% of jobs needing correction.

“The presses rarely stand still - we have almost tripled our sales numbers and we lean heavily on PrintFactory, powered by GMG, to keep up with our growth.”

To find out more about PrintFactory’s software solutions visit Booth 263 or


Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory’s holding company, Aurelon, has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

For further information visit

Media contacts:

+ 44 7943 573247


A new industry report ‘Redefining wide-format workflows to realize revenue at every opportunity’ explores what is holding large format print back from fully capitalising on cloud-based technologies.

Organisations from multiple sectors are leaping to harness the potential of new technology to streamline production, minimise time wastage and save money. Yet, according to recent research from Infotrends, only 8% of North America’s commercial print sector are benefitting from the proven efficiencies automation can bring.

The in-depth paper from PrintFactory sets out the scale of the opportunity, the shifting trends beginning to disrupt the status quo, and the technology that’s making it possible.

“The pace of change has been incredible,” says PrintFactory CEO Erik Strik.

“Following the global push towards automation, cloud-based colour management technology is now a real possibility for LFP businesses everywhere. With this paper, we want to debunk the many misconceptions around cloud-based solutions, while providing a frank assessment of challenges like security and disruption, and how to overcome these barriers to adoption.”

With a focus on the missed revenue opportunities for print shops continuing to rely on traditional workflows, the report covers:

  • How early adopters are enjoying up to 100% productivity gains with minimal investment in resources, highlighting the potential for software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms to boost financial flexibility and cut capex to ease the pressure in a world of notoriously low margins
  • The raft of features, including web-to-workflow solutions, real-time reporting on ink and media usage, and a detailed look at dynamic nesting—that can enable jobs to be delivered to the relevant RIP/printers automatically
  • The ability for data driven solutions to offer the tantalising prospect of fully automated colour management and a 24/7 lights-out operation—coordinating multiple printers over different locations and helping to make costly idle time a thing of the past

Get the report here.

Notes to Editors:

PrintFactory’s holding company, Aurelon, has been finding ways to improve the large format print process since 2001. Determined to free the LFP sector of the unnecessary complexities that continue to impact on cost, consistency and capacity on the production floor, PrintFactory has completely re-engineered the wide-format workflow to equip the world’s print shops with an intuitive and future-proofed platform that resolves these issues and readies them for the industry 4.0 era.

The IP-rich, research focused development team has brought its complete proofing solutions to market under many guises. Synonymous with an acclaimed portfolio of time and resource saving products, including GMG’s ProductionSuite and ProofMaster platforms, PrintFactory – with its celebrated software of the same name – has now set up as an entity in its own right to focus on developing its cloud-based automation tools that can be directly integrated into existing MIS/workflow systems.

For further information visit

Media contacts:

+ 44 7943 573247